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Spirit Medicine from Several Cats Named Bob

Spirit Medicine from Several CATS named Bob

Recently, I was gifted with a visit from 4 bobcat cubs just a few feet outside my screen door. So seldom have I had such an encounter with said magnificent creatures that I had to actually inquire amongst friends as to what they were! (Okay, I knooooow! I probably won’t be hosting any nature shows any time soon!). But thankfully, as the generosity of Spirit would have it, animal medicine is sent even to those city girls who are a bit light on nature studies. ;-)

Shortly afterward, I launched an inquiry into the meaning of this medicine through my two favorite search engines, Google and, well lets just call the other, “Intu-gle”, a decidedly more ‘other-worldly’ information portal ;-). This dual dimensional approach proved quite illuminating, garnering a message that was right in keeping with some of the experiences and life issues that are up for many of us right now. So I thought to share it with you. 

What the subject revealed is that the the subject doesn’t like to be revealed ;-). That is to say, my ferocious and furry feline friends are, by nature, quite illusive and stealthy. This definitely seemed to be pointing my attention toward that which has been ‘kept hidden from other’ that may need to make itself seen/known at this time. This concurred with some recent guidance I’d received. Indeed, the time is ripe for each of us to step more fully into a deeper expression of our unique gifts and abilities. Our unique gifts (especially when fully claimed and expressed into this physical world) are the very roadmap we’ve been seeking to know ourselves more deeply. To know ourselves more deeply is to know the Divine more deeply and visa versa. 

And, conversely, to hide or deny our gifts, our light, is to hide from that very communion with the “Larger”, for which so many of our hearts long. It is one’s sincere, ongoing, investment in this communion that can truly transform a life, offering more Grace, more ease. 

Now back to our ‘cat’-alyst for this conversation... 

As I dug a bit deeper, I found that bobcats, while on the hunt, are also possessed of seemingly infinite patience and, if they’ll forgive the term, “dogged” determination. This dynamic duo, patience and determination, clearly felt like it pointed to the domain of planning and crafting an approach towards goals and dreams. Patience and, in particular, patience paired with persistence (as in ‘sustained focus’) is one of the most effective ways that we build up our Grace “bank account”.

You see to first identify/clarify our deepest dreams and desires (our focus), and to then secondly take consistent steps (even small ones) towards those dreams and desires, is how we confirm what it is we are choosing. How we tell the Universe what we want more of in our lives. As some church folk in the south used to say, “ya got to pray and move your feet!” That is, your dream or vision becomes a reality the more you “walk” it into this world, the more you proactively pursue or align with all things resonant with that dream. Its a “leap and the net shall appear” kind of magic. Its the way that we meet the Universe “halfway”. Taking action is an important and integral part of creating a more resonant life, a life that delights and inspires (you AND others). For the record, this “action” business occasionally really annoys my inner princess who would much prefer a Universe that functioned a bit more like And so, to assuage her indignance, fueled by selective amnesia, I occasionally recount the many times she has indeed, been the recipient of the serendipitous Universal equivalent of “overnight home delivery”. 

What’s that princess? No reply? Ahhhh, sweet silence. 

And patience? What about the patience part, Lori? Are we gonna talk about that soon? 

Paaaatience….Paaaaatience. I’m getting there. Hehe.

(Did ya see what I did there? Putting the patience at the end? Brilliant.)

Now, where was I? Ahhh, patience. 

Well patience is kinda just faith in a brown paper wrapper. Though I never cared too much for the word “faith” as its mostly misapplied to describe a state of being that was usually brought on by a (or many) tangible or felt experience(s) of Divine support. In short, what most people call faith is really “proof”. Ahhh, but I digress.

Anyway, patience, in its highest application, as I feel the bobcat medicine teaches, allows for communion with the Stillness (the internal infinite or “passive” focus… as with meditation etc…) that informs us from the “Larger” when and where we should to leap. 

And when we are to leap, when our hearts feel called to take action (“active” focus), 

we are best served by committing all of ourselves to that action. For when we commit fully, the congruency of being “all in”, calls in the maximum level of Grace. And Grace, as you know, is Universal WD-40. And which one of us doesn’t need the workings of the Universe “lubricated” in his or her favor? 

And speaking of maximum levels of Grace…as you may have heard, were are approaching an auspicious time on our beautiful blue-green disco ball of a planet, the Aug 21st solar eclipse. It brings with it a powerful gateway offering opportunities for accelerated growth and greater anchoring of our higher dimensional selves. Word on the (psychic) street, is that many are poised to experience big leaps of consciousness and personal growth. The effects of this gateway can be felt as early as August 4th, though some are already reporting being well on this “wild ride” as I write. 

So it seems to me we couldn’t ask for a more potent time to meet Spirit halfway by making space to Commune with the stillness, clarify then Act on our dreams, dare to risk revealing more of our True Selves by following that Divine breadcrumb trail that is our innate soul gifts. 

Commune then Act from True Self = CATS   

Im just sayin’...

And as always, should your life find you needing a little intuitive guidance and insight, Im just a phone call away. Receive a $25 discount off your hour session when you mention this letter.

Wishing you Grace during this productive, playful and potent time.

With deep love and respect for you and your brave life choices.

Many Blessings,


(fka Lori)

Intuitive Guide, Facilitator, Transformation Agent

(781) 797 7337

Note: If a random anomaly has occurred and you're sitting there saying, “wow, she must not be that psychic ‘cause I did not want to receive this letter”, please email me at with ‘please remove’ in the subject line. I, then, shall remove you from my mailing list ‘tout suite’ and tell your Spirit guides that I tried (sniff, sniff) and that they'll have to find someone more wise and charming. ;-)

By Allyraa Creevay 15 Apr, 2019
Add a blog and update it regularly. It's a great way to stay in touch with site visitors.
By Allyraa 15 Apr, 2019
Add a blog and update it regularly. It's a great way to stay in touch with site visitors.
By Allyraa 15 Apr, 2019
Interesting stuff
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